Tuesday, March 2, 2010

M is for...


I can never think of anything to blog about anymore. I have noticed that my post are awfully boring, and pretty dull. SO, I have decided to start something new.

This past month has been very interesting for me. After a few weeks of being sick, and ending up in the hospital.. my sister working everthing out with her wedding.. (she is now getting married on Aug. 20th in the Manti temple) and everything else such as dumb future planning (where am I going for college??) going on in my life, I've realized how much the Savior is there for me.

I am going to start posting every so often about specific testimony strengtheners [is that even a word?] for me. I dont know if that makes sense? But I'll just start now.

Meet Bronson:

I am going to type, assuming you heard of this amazing story. If not, go HERE.

After hearing about Bronson's accident, I felt awful. My Mom had mentioned the little boy that drowned in his bath tub at home. But It didn't really effect me until some quick searching on the internet, when I found his mothers blog and very frequent updates on Bronson's progress. Everyday, I would come home from school and read the updates. I found myself praying and thinking about a family and an adorable little boy I have never met! And everyday, the updates got better and better. After a few weeks, Bronson was WALKING and SMILING.

If you know me, you know I'm not the type that cries. (K.. Thats debatable.. But oh well.) I started tearing up as I read that little Bronson was doing well! It made me think of how much I savior actually has a hand in our lives. He IS there. He DOES know. He LOVES us. Each and EVERY one of us. He lives. I know that he loves me. I know that he loves you. And most of all, I know he has a plan for us.

I continue to pray for Sweet little Bronson and his adorable family. Even though I don't know them, I know that the savior does. And he loves them. I know that he played a huge part in Bronson's Miracle. I truely hope that one day I can be an amazing Mother like Bronson's. I hope that I will have children to hold, and love. And a husband to spend eternity with. And most of allm a firm foundation and a strong testimony.


Sara said...

Shay, what a beautiful post... I am inspired by it. (And not because I am in it, either!) I am impressed because you are such an amazing young woman who will go farther in life because of your sure footing. I am greatful to have played a small part in helping to strengthen your testimony. But that is not because of anything particularly great about me... it is just that I have been fortunate enough to have been used as an instrument in the hands of God. To share His spirit, which is what spoke to you and touched your life. I am thankful for the opportunity to spread His message and His gospel. His "good news". For He lives! SO does His Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. They love you! They are REAL! They want you to be happy. They have a plan for your life! Through the tough times, they will walk by your side and strengthen and sustain you. They will help you to gather the wisdom and experience that you need to become whole, complete and perfect so that you will be worthy and ready to inherit all that they have to share someday. Shaylin, I know this to be true with every fiber of my being. Thank you for sharing Bronson's story. It is truly, truly, undeniably a miracle. In Mosiah 8:18, we are told that miracles are given to benefit all of mankind. Thank you for helping me to share it... in hopes of strengthening others. SO here's to us... you and me, girl... We will change the world! We will! By reaching out one blog post at a time and testifying of His miraculous power and most of all, His love. Mother Teresa once said, "I am but a litle pencil in the hand of a writing God, who is sending a love letter to the world." Thank you, my sweet sister in spirit. For helping me to spread His word and share His love.

Erin said...

Shay, you are awesome! I hope that I can be more like you and look for the good things in life. Keep it up and I look forward to reading your posts.

karlee said...

so cute shay!

Marcie said...

So very sweet. Your testimony strengthens me and fills me with such happiness! I am very proud of you, I love being your mother!