Friday, February 25, 2011

what a week!

Thursday: I found out my good friend's mom has cancer. Around 9, I go to the hospital to visit her and her mom. End up staying until 2. WHAT A FUN NIGHT. I had no idea hospitals could be so fun. (when you AREN'T the patient)

Friday: I felt the effects of almost no sleep. I got home at 2:30, went to bed at 3 and woke up at 7:30 to babysit.

Saturday: I wake up feeling somewhat rested.. and the sneezing began.

Sunday: Sore throat. Headache. TIRRREEDDD. I stayed home from church.

Monday: Woke up feeling pretty crappy. Major sore throat, stuffy nose, and headache. Then I notice something. OUCH. My neck hurts. Why? Why is my neck so stiff.... it must be the way I slept.

Tuesday: Whew, pretty crappy still. Not hungry, not happy. Time to babysit.. at 8AM. Hahaha

Wednesday: UGH.

Thursday: Why is my neck STILL hurting? I can barely drive (since I cant turn my head) I take some cold medicine, go to bed at 9.

And that brings us to today.. I feel like SHIZ. My nevk hurts, my head hurts, my body aches, I'm tired, I'm irritated and my sinus's hurt. A text, phone call and tube of blood later.. Viral Meningitis: Negative. Thankfully.

I have a sinus infection. I'm on a z-pack and I should be better in no time. Whew! Being sick sucks.

Thank goodness for:

Mama's that can draw blood.
Modern medicine.
Awesome doctors.

1 comment:

she knew joy said...

and sisters that tell you to go the dr!