Thursday, February 17, 2011


I love the feeling of someone sleeping next to me. I don't know what it is I like about it... The warmth of someones body next to mine, the comfort of not being alone, or just the fact that someone is is my bed.

All of the aside, usually this rarely happens. Except the monthly sleepover, whether it's a friend or sibling I'm usually in bed alone.

It's not like in the movies, where you pick a hot guy off the street and he sleeps with you and you cuddle... And kiss.. And do other stuff! JOKE.

[at least for a 19 year old LDS girl living in Utah it's not like that]

And i'm not saying I wish it was... Or am I? :)

The point I'm trying to make is, I have been so desperate, I sleep with a bajillion pillows so I'm not "alone"

Well that... Changed as of this week.

I have had more that 6 sleepovers with the cutest, nicest, funniest, best guy I know!

And while it lasts... I'm lovin it.

1 comment:

she knew joy said...

hahahahah! him! you freaking cheater.