Saturday, May 21, 2011

Rather interesting..

Today started out pretty annoying.. I support the Mapleton city firemen 100% but I do NOT support them driving up and down Mapleton Main at 6am with their sirens blaring. Firemens breakfast or not.. It was rude.

Today the world ended. I think. No? Oh wait. Nope it didn't.

I knew it wasn't the end. As did many. I mean come on... He said that in 94' and nothing happened! Plus, President Monson would know. Right?

All day at the back of my mind there was that "what if.." that kept Coming out. What if the world did end? Crazy thought. Huh.

Then I thought "don't mock and make rude jokes" as I proceeded to post a mocking facebook status.

Oh well. You're reading this. We are living and the world has failed to end.

My retainer is hurting. Actually, it's causing me quite a bit of pain right now. My fault for not wearing it like I'm suppose to.. Ah!

Also, the baby of the family officially shaves. Newsflash. My family is OLD. Sheesh. I'm old!

Wanna know a secret? I want a baby. For real for real. Bad. If only.


Off to bed!


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