Wednesday, July 1, 2015

OH my goodness, I am back.

Thanks to my lovely friend NaTasha, I have decided to pick up on blogging again. Don't ask why I went MIA for a while there.

Because I don't have an answer.
I was jut going through my old posts and I realized that I have written multiple but never actually published them. I love going back in time and reading what my immature mind had to say about life, over 4 years ago. Quite comical if you ask me.

 I DO find it quite interesting the the last post I wrote but failed to publish publicly was regarding my stance on same-sex-marriage. And I find it very interesting that 19 year old Shay and 23 year old Shay agree with each other for the most part. I could go on and on about religion, politics, and life in general on my blog. But ask me what I think in person, and you wont get two words outs of me. Depending on who you are of course. (Sorry to those who I actually open up and never shut up to.)

I really miss writing.
It [almost] gives me the same stress relief that running does. Especially when my mind is so jam packed full of shiz and I don't want to just lose it on someone. :) Here is your formal warning: Unfollow my IG, and my Facebook if you would like. Otherwise, you may be seeing some very frequent (or infrequent) posting going on.

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